How to keep cold air out of a Window AC

During the winter months many people find that cold air seeps in from around their window AC units. Aside from being an unpleasant annoyance, the lack of sufficient insulation can dramatically drive-up heating expenses. What is the best way to solve this problem?

breeze stop

If you can, safely remove the Window AC from the window

Many people have the luxury of removing their window AC unit during the winter and then re-installing it when the weather warms. This is a great option if it can be done safely and without pulling your back. But often it can't. Or, you may find you need your AC at random times throughout the winter. In older buildings, many tenants don’t even control their own heat. And many landlords don’t allow tenants to remove their AC over safety concerns.

So, people have gotten innovative...

 Use Cardboard Boxes or Black Foam


Or towels 


But if you find these solutions inadequate... or not very aesthetically pleasing...

Try a Breeze Stop

Breeze Stop surround Window AC insulation consists of insulating foam and vinyl designed to fit around a window AC unit to protect all the areas where cold air can seep in. The panels are designed to create a built-in look and have an easy to clean surface. 

Here is a video of an install:

Here are some pictures that customers sent us:

 Before                                       After

keep cold out of window ac

A couple more 

window ac cover for winterwindow ac cover for winter


If you would like to purchase a Breeze Stop insulation kit, CLICK HERE.

How to install?

Below is a video of how to install your Breeze Stop, unfortunately, (judging by the comments) it appears more people are interested in the choice of books for a straight edge than the actual insulation kit, but remember, there is more to life than Bitcoin!!!







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  • Kai on

    Put one of these in the living room and the whole room needs noticeably less heat. Pretty wild. Looks great too but the one in the family room was a rushed job and it still looks better than before but highly suggest y’all take an extra minute to cut the right size.

  • Robert on

    Installed one recently in my living room, right before the temps hit single digits. These actually work very well! I’ll be ordering some more for the second floor.

    Excellent design, well done!

  • Dave on

    Great product!

  • Rachel on

    Had a window AC that would make my apartment freezing in the winter i had a whole contraption that sorta worked but looked horrible and would keep falling stumbled upon this and its kinda awesome

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